Airaa on Google
Google Classroom
Hey, we are on Google Classroom
Here are steps to login to your class. For support, click here.
Step 1: Sign into Google with your authorised Gmail id. This is the Gmail id you have submitted to Airaa for use with Google Classroom

Step 2: Go to or click on the button below. You can also directly go to and enter your credentials.
Step 3: Your child would be able to see the Classroom she or he belongs to, and the classes. Click on the relevant class. Remember your class will only be active at the class time and when the teacher begins the class.

Step 4: Click to enter your class. You can see the links on the top: Stream, Classwork and People. To view Classwork, click Classwork link. To view Teachers + Classmates, click the People link.

Step 5: Click on the Google Meet link to begin class.

A few ground rules:
Students must keep their mics on mute unless the teacher asks them otherwise.
Raise your hand for any query.
Keep your video on.